I need

I want to sing with your people forever in your palace/I want to enter your courts forever with thanksgiving/
I come into your holy chambers with a humble heart/I need your presence to fill me as I empty myself

I need you more than anything/I want you more than life itself/I love you more than this world/
I need you to fill me with your love/I need you to sustain me/I need your hand to guide my every step/as I pursue you.

There is nothing else I need/I have all I need in you/there is nothing more to living this life/
than making your glory known and spreading your gospel/every where I go with every breath I have/
with everything I am/because of your mercy.

I need you more than/the grass needs the rain/I need you more than the day/needs the sun to make it bright/
I need you more than I could say/as I look to you as the only way/I cannot say how much/this desire is burning with in me.

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