
You are a father to the fatherless/and like refuge for the hopeless/and I can see you working/
not only in my life but in my world around me/and I need to have the same mindset/as you do to be there when the world/
doesn’t seem to care/I want to be a father to fatherless/just as you are/ There are so many people/
who need the love of a father/and only you can be the father/they are looking for on the inside/
so many times they know the fear of rejection/and they are familiar with dejection/
so I am asking for you to be a father to them/and I want them to live free/
Father to the fatherless you are/hope to the hopeless you are/lover to the ones who have felt unloved/
so many times this world just assumes/that everyone has a loving father/and thy just presume that life just resumes/
as normal even amidst all the things the people have seen/ Do they know love/until they have felt loved/
do they know how to show love/until they have been shown the deepest kind of love/how can they hope for this kind of love/
until they have been shown hope/do they realize what love is/without feeling it/and can they believe love/
without seeing love at work/

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