Eyes of a believer

Give me the eyes of a believer/that know the ways of the great deceiver/because I am a recipient of a grace so rich/
a love so deep that/no mind can comprehend/the eye of a believer see the world differently/
as I live my life/help me to see the snares of the evil one/because I know the truth/

The eyes of a believer/love the world in a deeper way/than the world has become accustomed to/
when people look into my eyes/I pray that they would see your love/and in my heart may there be a flame so bright/
that it shines across my face that it may radiate/and permeate everything about me/

Eyes of believers/see situations in a whole different light/and I am asking for you let me see/
with my heart the lost and hurting world/I don’t want to see with my eyes/anymore I am asking for you to teach me/
to see with my heart/so that you may touch the lives of others/

The eyes of the believer/have been open/but sometimes/I forget what I am looking for/
I am so caught up in the things of this world/but I am asking for you to retrain my eyes/and help me focus on you/
teach me to maintain my focus/and teach me to keep you in my line of vision/

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