
Pre Chorus:
Jesus I want to write this song to say thank you for all you’ve done for me
So many times I get so caught up in my own talents and aspirations that I leave
you out I cannot remember the last time I was still and remembered that you are
There are numerous times I have forgotten what you gave for me

I am so grateful for your loving sacrifice and I want you to know that even though
I may not thank you as many times as I should I will always remember that you love
me enough to want to spend time with me
I cannot believe your love reaches beyond me and I rest in the promise that you
will never leave me or forsake me
I want to apologize for leaving you behind in my life because I was so caught up
in the gifts you gave me

Verse 1:
In my soul is a longing that has been empty for so long even when I knew about you
I didn’t remember you could fill my emptiness, I want to let you into my life again
I will not forget what you did for me again and I have so many things to tell you and
I have many questions I want to ask you if I just take a moment and listen to you speak

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