Pre Chorus:
Trying to fight back all the tears I’ve been holding back this year
I am fighting for my life, in this whirlpool of mixed emotions
I do not where I need to start fighting for what I need
My heart is weary and my eyes are stinging because of crying myself to sleep
I know you have a purpose for my life but I find it hard to fight when I get down
I want to fight for what you want, but myself keeps getting in my way
Do you want me to fight this fight of life because I am tired and I feel like
giving up I just want to let go of myself and grab a hold of you I am gasping for
Verse 1:
Fighting for you is not easy but I am not giving up the life you have for me
I want to fight for this vision you have given me but I am waiting on others
It is hard because I have given you my all and I have seen my walk
Become a crawl, and when I thought that it was over I begin to bawl
Verse 2:
The songs you’ve placed inside of me have hidden meaning but I know that
You know what I am thinking, and you have delivered my life from bondage
I want to cry because time is running out and I feel the door closing on this
opportunity you have given me because I have waited too long for this to pass