
Ben Glover Running after me

Pre Chorus:
I try to run away and tell you to turn the other way
Maybe I will follow you another day, but today I want to take my time and spend it
I know that you want me to come to you with my heart but sometimes I don’t want to
If I were to chase you I know that I would catch up but I want to live for you.

If I run away you will catch me and take my heart away from the things I put before you
I am sorry for how I treated you when you died for me on the cross , and I am beginning to realize that you loved me and I was lost and I was looking for someone to find me broken and piece me back together

Verse 1:
Running away is breaking my heart because I want to come back and
If I were to come back you would accept me and you would love me when I came home
I am tired and weary of feeling guilty and alone as if no one knows what is going on in my life so many times there are hurts I am afraid to show you

Verse 2:
If I keep the darkest things hidden from you would I be able to heal
I will let you into my deepest depths and I am begging for you to heal my heart
I tried to hide it all from you but I realized I was only hurting myself and I knew that if I gave you everything I had, I knew you would heal my wounded broken heart

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