Holding on

I keep trying to hold on/to something that isn’t there/I long to grab a hold of you/
but I can’t seem to let myself find you/I have been trying to let you have control/
but I am realizing I need to rediscover you/in a brand new way/can I look for you/
in every situation/so that I can trust you with everything/

Have I strayed to far/and have I tried to hard/to find something that satisfied me/
apart from the one who fulfills me/a time I tell you what I’ve felt/if I knew how to put into words/
the feelings I have/because I am so confused right now/if I knew what it means you’re/
holding onto me and you’re never let me go/

If there has been a time/I needed to hold on to you/I need you more than ever/because I feel so hurt/
by this world and all it’s lame tactics/I don’t know how to ask you/and I don’t know how to thank you/
for holding onto me/even while I am trying to let go/of the things that I had held onto/

There are things that I thought meant everything/only to discover you mean more/than I have learned what it means/
to hold on to you/while my grasp on this world is slipping/I gladly hold onto you/but I need to let go of the things/
that have my attention/and focus my energy on the one who lives

“Tonight” off the Album “Beyond Measure” by Jeremy Camp

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