Rich Mullin Man of no Reputation
I run away and you pursue me with relentless affection
You have shown me what it means to love others
When people seem to hate the poor,
Turn the other way and don’t pay attention
I have hurt for others, but never the way you hurt for me
When I fall down and lose my footing
You pick me up and clean my wounds
You tell me that it will be ok, and you wipe the tears from my eyes
Putting a smile in my heart and I know that you love me
With the same relentless affection you show the poor in the spirit.
I tried to hide from you, but you came to find me
I was lost like a sheep with no one to lead me
A shepherd came looking, and wouldn’t stop looking until you found me
I have been trying to get by on my own but it left me hurting
I tried for a while but realized that I didn’t have the strength
This life has thrown me curves, and I didn’t want to continue to dodge them
I knew that sometime, I would get burned by the fire I was playing with
I wanted to come to you but I was too scared
Now asking myself why did it take me so long