I know that you dance…over me when my heart is glad…
You cry for me…when my soul is sad…
I don’t know how to contain…the joy it brings me to see you dance…
Because of the love inside of you…overflowing with joy…
My heart is so tender at times…sometimes it cries, and sometimes dances…
But you Lord are dancing over me…you my God are dancing with me…
You have been my lover…since the beginning of time…
I look forward to the day when…you and I will dance together…
On the streets of gold…just me and my master…
Asking you the question…what brings your heart joy…
You answer me…by saying it is spending time with you…
When you can dance in freedom…because you have found me…
Its been so hard…to see you cry today…
To hear you say…I just want you to go away…
But I was hoping…that my love would bring you back…
You ran away from me…and had forgotten all I was…
I came running toward you…while you were in the distance…
I wanted to tap you on the shoulder…and give you a big hug
But today…you pushed me aside…
I stayed away…but I know your arms are open wide…