Pick up

Life gives us more than we think we can handle
I know that sounds cliche’ we hear that all the time
Have you ever felt that life punched you and you were too weak to fight back
Life can be difficult at times and we just need to remember that God will pick us up if we ask

Pieces of your heart miles apart strewn across the highway of pain
Like an ocean current carrying you out to where you can no longer touch
A horizon that seems forever away but you see a new beginning
You offer me a love deeper than the hurt, deeper than the deepest depth of my sea

I’m asking you to keep picking up the pieces of a heart that’s been broken by sin
I’m asking you to pick up what was left for dead until you conquered the grave
I know it’s tough for me to admit when I was the one wrong
I know that You are greater than my grief

You welcome me and offer to pick me up when I fall
You are glad to carry me through life’s many oceans
I don’t ask you because the waves look to big and look like they want to eat me
I don’t think of it some times because I’m too busy looking at the storm around me

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