
I used to hold it all in/until I would explode/life’s struggles have since taught me otherwise/so hard when openness is viewed as weakness/
I have been to the bottom/trying to reach the top/it seems like for every step forward is two back/I don’t feel like I’m winning/feeling just the opposite/
trying to breathe but gasping/If I hold it all in/people don’t really know me/they can’t judge me/It seemed like a fool proof plan/only problem was that the pressure
kept building/needing a release/the plans I thought I had/had many cracks/the ideas in my head/were trying to escape/like fissures in the earth/releasing fire where
ever it could/

The people who know me best/know that I love writing on a daily basis/that is my sweet release/that’s how I decompress my mind/I know not every one can relate/
but there are some who can/music helps me calm down/helps me relax/there are days that I’m thankful for my outlet/sometimes it is hard for me to see/
if what I feel will ever make it out on paper/it seems to me that there are a lot of songs/that try to tell a story/but the story has been told before/
I write to fight the norm/Nashville teaches us to weather the storm/I want to seek the peace that comes after/I long to look for the rain/
because I know it will help me grow/

I admit that I’m not there yet/but it’s something I think about often/It’s hard to keep your head on straight/when so many people talk behind your back/
I guess they are trying to make up for the things they lack/putting others down/somehow lifts you up/it’s so twisted in society today/It makes my blood boil/
it makes me so sad/People need to know the truth/they need to know the God that loves them/the God who has a plan for you/and will allow you to be honest/
do you hear many songs that talk about struggles/and there is no way out/no way to decompress your mind/life is hard for a lot of us/but there needs to be more hope/

If my head is on a swivel/I tend to run into things that are ahead/trying to understand others/is necessary if you want to be able to speak to them/
some people don’t know how to listen/sometimes that can change a life’s course/a trajectory that was headed for the ocean/is now headed for the mountains/
it seems like an easy solution/but then look how many people really take time to care/there are some people out there/who know what it means to be a friend/
but you rarely hear songs about that/you hear lyrics about broken hearts/how this world has let them down/I know something that can help/
It’s hard to see while your living in it/

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