Sometimes the waves get choppy…I struggle to see the lighthouse in the distance…
I try to listen closely but all I hear around me is screaming…I know that there has to be storms in my life…
to help me learn how to trust…I look forward to the day…that I can remember that my Lord is with me…
in the storm through the waves…I know that I will be stronger but right now…it’s hard for me to believe…
Like an ocean you soak me in your love…every once in a while I get a mouthful of water…
it’s easier to see what’s ahead when the way is lit…but right now it’s night…
and the wind is whipping me in all directions…sometimes it rains so hard it hurts…
and sometimes the rain feels good against my face…but it’s not my choice when or how hard it rains…
or what you want me to learn in the storm…
Would it be easier if I saw my life as ocean or a pond…the water will always find a way…
most of the time I want to get dried off…but I rarely allow the rain to wash me…I get cold and I get frightened…
when I look around and can’t see anything…I want to trust your love…
but I guess there is no better time to fall into your love…then when the storm is raging…
The ocean can be a scary place…it also can peaceful…depending on the weather…
It doesn’t make sense that it can toss you if you let it…but it will embrace you if you choose to let it in…
it can be overwhelming…you got to jump in and let God carry you and sustain you…even when the waves are crashing…
and you feel like your life boat has sprung a leak…cry out to Jesus and He will save you…