When you have a plan taking steps is easier
When you have a purpose it makes waking up exciting
When you have a destination in mind you want to get there
When you have a course then you will want to complete it
I am not saying God will give you all the plan at once He usually doesn’t
I am not saying I have discovered everything about waking up
I am not saying that God will show you the end result quickly
I am not saying the course will be straight and narrow
My God will provide for me
My God will show me what my purpose is
My God will lead me to my final destination
My God will guide me in the way He wants to
I know there will be times I cannot see the next step, teach me to trust
I know there will be times when my purpose is unclear, teach me to listen
I know there will be times when the time to my destination gets delayed, teach me to be patient
I know there will be times when the course is bumpy, teach me to hold on tight to you