This was written when I felt like I had a lot of emotion that I was feeling but hadn’t been able to put words to it
Let it out and don’t try to bottle it up
Let it out and don’t be shy about it
Let it out and let others see your heart
Let it out because there is healing in coming to Jesus
Trying to tell you what I think you should or shouldn’t do, I am dealing with this in real life
Trying to let it out and having my doubts, because I am scared
Trying to let my emotions speak but knowing that they aren’t always accurate
Trying to lead a life of transparency but feeling like hiding so much
A room full of darkness was my heart before I met Jesus
He has transformed my soul into a beacon of light because of His redemption of my soul
I don’t like being in the spotlight, I don’t know it’s just not me
I would rather write my thoughts and let others see Jesus through my pain if He wants
I keep writing even if I don’t know what to write
I keep writing because God has given me a passion
Sometimes I write and don’t understand the reason
Sometimes I write and can’t feel any emotion because I tried to ignore the pain