I know in my heart

Written when I was at a place where my heart said one thing but my mind was saying something else.

I know in my heart that you love me
I know in my heart that you are my father
I know in my heart that you can be mysterious
I know in my heart that you want what’s best for me

In my mind I wonder if I am all alone
In my mind there are so many thoughts I want to share with you I forget you have time
In my mind there is doubt and anxiousness about being shown what’s next
In my mind I wonder if I really belong to you

I know in my heart You will take care of me
I know in my heart You will comfort me in my times of sorrow and sadness
I know in my heart that I can trust you and your promises
I know in my heart that I am your child

In my mind I think I am useless
In my mind I think I am have let you down
In my mind I think no one can be trusted any more
In my mind I think I am an orphan

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