Ellie Holcomb Gold
My father help me remember that you are kind
My father sees me as valuable, clean and priceless
My father sees me as I should learn to see me
My father created me, but sometimes I get scared and try to turn away
My father knows everything about me even when I feel the need to hide
You are kind, You are love, You are my Jesus and I am yours
I know the only you’re the only one with the answers to all my questions
You are drawing me near, and destroying all my fear
You are kind you’re never hard to find if I would try to look
You are good and your plans for me are to help me succeed
You view me differently than I have in the past
You traded your life for my redemption and gave me life when I shouted death
You are my king,
You are Lord of everything,
You are my creator, and help me remember that I am yours
You are my Lord, and you will take care of my deepest needs