Healing heart

Ellie Holcomb “The bravest thing by More than Rubies

There are things I want to remember, and many things I wish that I could forget
There are things I am proud of sharing, and things I want to leave locked in the closet
There days that my heart hurts so much, if I could share the reason it’s hurting would it help
There are times when I want to go into hiding, and I am scared to be open

My heart is healing from the things that were in my past
My tender heart has broken and is lying on the floor in a million pieces
My shattered heart is being mended by the threads of love that were woven on the cross
My battered heart is beating but it sometimes it feels like it’s better to hide than to be open

Hold my heart, close to yours
Dry my tears, and tell me that my heart can be whole again
Hold my hand, and tell me that it’ll be okay, and that I shouldn’t try and run from my pain
Will you lift my face, and tell me that you’ve paid my debt always and forever

My heart is trying to listen for yours
My heart is trying to understand the pain that you feel when I am hurting so deep
My heart is healing because of the cross, that I can find the strength I so much needed
My heart is being stripped of things that aren’t the best for me

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