Sometimes life is good and going well
Sometimes life is tough and it feels like it all can go to hell
Sometimes life makes sense, but most times it falls apart
Sometimes life makes things unexpected and causes me to change course
I don’t like change, because I think it will hurt me
I don’t like the unknowns, because I am a fan of routine
I don’t like things that are unsure, but yet the change seems constant
I don’t always understand when things I want could hurt me more
If I am to grow, I need to learn to change
If I am to know, would I let others tell me that it will be okay eventually
If growing up was easy, I think it would be easier to accept things that come
If learning was a breeze, would I just stay where I am
Sometimes life is hard
Sometimes life is full of change
Sometimes life is full of things that make you question what you’re living for
Sometimes life is different than you had expected