It’s kind of hard to hold hands when we live in different states…it’s our reality at the moment…but in our hearts…we feel like we are forever together…didn’t know it at the time…but someone from Poland…would soon move to Chicago…I couldn’t have seen it coming…not in a million years…
We tried to connect …you know how that usually goes…It was really a shot in the dark…you had a pretty face…and we literally had no friends in common…but I took a chance…once in a lifetime…God has brought meaning to the meaningless…and I am forever grateful…
We talked and talked…about the paths we wanted to take…not as friends but as something more…a future to plan for…the late night talks…turned into early morning wake up texts…we know we are apart for now…but even that won’t be forever…and the stars aligned just perfectly…
Hold my hand baby…lets travel the world together…lets show the haters we don’t need their negativity…we each have different pasts…but the future has converged…and our personalities intertwined…had no idea what was beginning…but loving every moment of us…