Sometimes we’re adventurous/sometimes we’re timid/sometimes we are dragging/we are running low on sleep and stamina/words are both scarce and at a premium/trying to understand your
Day: March 13, 2024
Stay awake
So lately I’ve been having trouble sleeping…so many things going on…so many scenarios that may never happen…but we all need rest…we all got things we
Along for the ride
Hold on tight because this world is moving fast…I would say buckle up too but we’ll be squeezing hands tight…when your afraid…you have been there…neither
Ask your questions
Trying to process all that life consists of…trying to understand the tragedies…the world tries to taint us…often when we are sad…we tend to curl up…and
Love forever
Ain’t it funny/how God uses situations/we don’t necessarily like/to bring us the clarity we need/when we are tired/trying to keep our minds clear/even harder to