Did I ever tell you baby…that the world is brighter…when you’re by my side…the first time I talked to you…I have to admit…I fell for you…this feeling so electric…never want it to end…through every problem darlin…we’re making progress toward our goals…
Trying to explain…the exact moment I knew…I found my forever…a feeling so rich it must be worth millions…speaking of which I feel like I won the lottery…the jackpot just for me…trying to count the blessings…that are flooding my life since you entered it…
The day I first heard your voice…the day I first said hello…a simple how conversation…turned into staying up for hours…talking to each other…talking about our future together…trying to stay awake the next day…but remembering our talks…made it all worth it…
When I feel down…I just remember how hard I fell…fell for you…
When I feel hopeless…you remind me of our future together…
When I feel depressed…you tell me how you want me to undress…
When we’re together…things will be combined…things will be complete…