I thought my life was over…or at least the fun had been drained…when I signed the papers…you told me that you didn’t mind what happened…you told me that you wanted a future…when we shared with each other…we realized we wanted each other…
I thought my mind was playing tricks on me…my heart was skipping beats…when you came into my life…but sometimes things aren’t as they appear…and other times people try to judge…without knowing the specifics…our stories are unique…and we want to be together…
I thought I would be alone forever…I thought no one could love me…I thought I didn’t know how to let myself down easy…but ever since we started talking…my thoughts have gotten brighter…I am happier…my life has never been the same…and it never will be…
I thought I was being too forward…but you told me it’s okay…I thought I was behind for not experiencing things…you gently told me that we could learn together…I was never behind…you said you would teach me the things that I didn’t know…