Give me your hand

Buy a boy a baseball High Valley

You told me that you loved me/wanted to start a family/you told me that you could be trusted/when the reality was/that you took my money/the more I tried to love you/the more you took from me/was it obvious from the start/sometimes we get confused/

You wanted to give me your hand/only to for me to realize/I needed to tell you/I can see through your manipulation/participation and filled with false anticipation/whenever I tried to check to see if you were real/you told me that you were/and expected me to believe you/

I have fallen for something fake/real love doesn’t just take/and take advantage of kindness/there’s something not right/when your view turned out be tainted/either by your lust for money/and my naivety/what a dangerous combination/

As I separate from the situation/as I look back/I saw you didn’t ever love me/you wanted all I had/I ain’t even sad/because you can only take advantage/if we are talking/and if you are hurting/blaming me for your heartbreak/you can stay away from me/

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