If you had a heart

Didn’t break mine Belles

If you had a heart would you let others break it…would you lock it up…would you be held captive…by the skeletons in the closet…you don’t want people to see…or would you try to hide it…what would your plan be…to put your best foot forward…to put on a face…

If you had a heart…how would you like to give it away…only to have someone string you on then leave you…when you were broken…who would you confide in…what would you share…would it be with someone who genuinely cares…or would you think they could exploit you…

If you had a heart full of Jesus’ love…would you act any different toward me…would you pretend that you were someone else…would you try to put others on a shelf…collecting dust and getting used…only when things were convenient for you to take it down…

If you had a heart…would you want to break mine…doesn’t really make sense…because love hurts sometimes…but it will get better…when the sky clears…and when we feel all alone…would you let other’s in or would you choose the common practice…

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