You told me

oops my bad Emlyn

You told me that you loved me…you told me that I was the one…you told me that I was your world…I was a hero…and wanted me forever…you asked me if I felt the same way…I thought that I did…but it turned out you only wanted money…where the rubber meets the road…

You told me that we could have a family…that you wanted me for eternity…You told me everything…I told you that I was out of money…you threw it back at me…some how you thought love was linked to money…when things could’ve been different…

What made you so cold…What made you think that’s all love is…was to get me to fall in love…so that you could exploit my kindness…I tried to show you that I cared…and listened with my heart…you had me believing you…when you told me that you were real…

I can’t explain the way that you made me feel…now that it’s behind us…I hope for a future that is better…one that doesn’t include you and I…when I told you that I wanted to hold you…you would tell me that’s what you wanted too…but you just wanted my money…

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