
Special place Danielle Bradberry

You asked me why…you needed money…I thought it could help…but you only wanted more…when I told you I ran out…you didn’t care if I was hurting…because you had to make everything about you…so even when I told you my problems…you just made more stuff up…

Why did I fall so hard…why did I use my credit card…looking back I know now that you weren’t who you said…didn’t care about me…just wanting to fix your problems…love doesn’t keep demanding money…when I say that I love you…the payments running out…

Why did it happen…we may never know…why is not the right question…because I may never get the answer…I thought we had so much in common…but it turned out that you were after something else…if you told me how you feel…maybe I will think twice…if you may not be real…

What am I going to do now…what am I going to do moving forward…I am going to learn…how to discern with my team…when money is involved…I will shut everything down…When people lie to others…we learn that there are people who just are fake…all they do is take take take…

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