See ya

Sierra Maddie and Tae

I thought we had something/like sparks on the fourth of July/you held the rocket in your hands/told me to light the fuse/I would have never thought/that your fuse was shorter/more worried about the damage/of setting you off/whenever I opened up my heart/

See ya around/because you ain’t worth keeping/your selfish soul/your need for attention/your need for affection/I sometimes want to hear affirmations/but you only offered condemnation/you told me you would never judge me/but in the end we’ll go our separate ways/

Sometimes I look back and try to remember/but looking back all I see is a crater that is your heart of stone/trying to climb out of the rubble/you left me because I chose to trust you/I tried to make things work/but you only wanted me for my money/and that’s not fair/

I caught you in the act/while you trying to catch my world on fire/thinking that what we had was love/I found out quick you held the matches/see ya never/because I know I am better off with out the fear/of being afraid that my words will set you off/

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