Watch out

hot minute kaylee rose

So many hurting people…so much vulnerability…people sometimes want to share…for someone to truly listen…but had I never been one…I would never know…the situations that people want to take advantage of…the world isn’t always safe…

Watch out for the people who are thieves…they steal kill and try to destroy you…when you wanted love…you chose to be open…they had other ideas…you wanted to confide…they were looking for someone to devour…the people that you need…aren’t the ones who are fake…

Watch out for the wolves among us…watch your back for the backstabbers…because when you start to trust…that may be the vulnerability they need to penetrate your fences…not everyone is safe from the deception of this world…

Watch out for the ones that are helping…these are the people you can trust…the people running to the fire…those are the heroes in my world…the people who put others first…the people who will give you everything they have…not expecting anything in return…

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