A non fiction love song by Jillian Edwards
I want to write a love story/but my princess hasn’t came yet/sometimes I am full of hope/some days are sad/when I look ahead/I see what could be/trying my best not to look back/because it’s in the past/when will my time come/It would make me so happy/
I try to wait/but it’s getting harder/not trying to hold my breath anymore/but waiting for someone/to come and take my breath away/and we could be a team/sometimes I get discouraged/sometimes I am too ambitious/is there really a balance/
I try my best/to be happy for others/when they have that special someone/the connection between two lovers/something I long for/but I’ll wait my turn/when the game of life/tries to stack the deck/the house advantage is hard to beat/when you feel your hand is empty/
Sometimes people are insensitive/I don’t want to fall again/for something that isn’t real/don’t want to give my heart away/to someone who doesn’t want to spend their life with me/learning the hard way/that people sometimes don’t back up what they say/