Ask my self

XY Grey Zeigler

Sometimes I wonder/what I was thinking/when I asked your name/when you asked for my number/I was hoping/because my heart was searching/for a connection/but getting over you/was like removing an infection/needed to cared/before you could hurt me anymore/

Ask myself looking at the ceiling/wondering if I did the right thing/why do I feel so alone/then it hit me/that you never really loved me/you only loved yourself/and I can’t out love that love/because you wanted me/for your enjoyment/

Give, give, give/take, take, take/do you see a pattern/the only one who was giving was me/the one who was doing all the taking was you/when I thought we were a team/trying to out perform you/trying everything I could just to understand/If a story was written/

Your story would definitely be an autobiography/always talking about yourself/maybe I would show up in the footnotes/but to me the thing that hurts the most/was that you used me/to make yourself feel better/when my self was struggling/

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