Don’t understand

Hate to be you Lexi Jade

I don’t know the future…but I am thankful that you aren’t a part of it…Some nights I wanted to…but it was your decisions…that left you feeling all alone at night…when we talked you said what you thought I wanted to hear…now I hope all that you hear…is the emptiness you caused…

I don’t have to understand…what turned you into this monster…I will never be like you…because I tried my best…and all you left me with were more questions…like a crime scene…there were knives…and you didn’t care…that you were messing with other’s lives…

I don’t expect you to understand…because your so screwed up in the head…there are people that care about others…but you don’t have to worry…because you only love yourself…put others on the top shelf…get them down when it’s a special occasion…

Don’t tell me you have changed…some people are set in their ways…and have cried wolf too many times…saying that you needed help…but no one was there to help you…because the monster that you are…scared others away…when they were vulnerable with you…

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