If I could give ya

Middle fingers Aston

Sometimes I get upset…you make me madder than hell…someone as mean as you…can’t possibly be kind…because you have messed me up…I wanted to give you the world at one point…but now I want to flip you off…because you hurt me…

If I could give others a warning…turn around and run away…because someone as broken as you…is can only drag others down…when the rubber meets the road…when push comes to shove…I hope you find love somewhere…because I am sick of you acting like you cared…

If I could give ya a piece of my mind…it would be that kindness wins in the end…but right now I am not sure…if love would be the ultimate cure…a kind person isn’t you…you have hurt me so bad…but I’m going to be okay…because I cut all my ties with you…

If I could give ya…a word of advice…it would be get used to being a bitch…your beauty on the outside ain’t foolin’ me no more…when you walk out…I hope you get hit by the door…as it shuts this chapter…you would try to open it again…but you can’t pick the lock…

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