You chose

My kink is karma Chappelle Roan

We wanted to start a family…at least that’s what you told me…you told me that your love was strong…because I told you the money had ran out…you tried to assure me that’s not how love works…but I quickly discovered…you were just after things that brought you pleasure…

You chose to take the road…that will leave you all alone…because I want to be loved different…when the night is long…I won’t be singing our song…never wondering what I did wrong…never having to doubt…if I would find another girl soon…

You chose to hurt me…and that was a choice…you chose to lead me on…you chose to take advantage…when grace was extended…when we would disagree…you had a way of making me feel guilty…when you were the one who was in the wrong…

I chose to be done…the best decision but it was hard…looking back I’m glad I made the right decision…when you cut my heart open…you were proud of the incision…that you left behind…because anyone else would choose to help…but that isn’t how you work…

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