But do you cry

ugly crier McKenna Grace

Some days leave me exhausted/other days I want to sleep all day/but do you cry yourself to sleep/when the world seems to be asleep/your mind the enemy/keeping you from resting your weary eyes/when you wake up/you do it all again/

In this society/guys aren’t allowed to cry/but where does the emotion go/when the hurt is so deep/boys aren’t the worst/not able to have an opportunity/is the where the tragedy lies/but do you cry/when you have to tell family goodbye/see you later/

I know this is kind of personal/where do you find your release/what do you do when the walls close in/your mind is lying to your heart/you’re too tired that you don’t know what is true/or how to combat the negativity/what does it look like to cry on your pillow/

Noises getting louder/my mind is getting flustered/my thoughts will never leave me alone/I didn’t know that I was about to explode/because the tears had been bottled up/I almost forgot how to cry/trying to make it look like I was okay/just make it through the day/

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