Build a bridge Ashley Cooke
The river turns and swerves…that’s how life works…you can see better if you get out of the way…doesn’t really matter what others say…if your ego is bigger…it may cloud your vision…Such a nice river…lets go for a swim…but first lets decide together…
When others are hurting…you cannot help…because you’re focused on yourself…when others need a life boat…you don’t have one to offer…when the needs of others tend to take a back seat…in your economy…there isn’t much to it…just you, and yourself…
I have heard it said…that you shouldn’t make a mountain out of a mole hill…but your ego is the size of the ocean…and when others can help you…you know what you to say…to get their sympathy…when your hurting their empathy…but when others are…you turn the other way…
I have seen the rapids…its hard to navigate by yourself…but that’s what happens…when you treat others the way you treat yourself…because it was never really about helping…it was like an all you can eat buffet…you fill your ego…and come back for more…