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A strongly worded letter salem Ilese

You wouldn’t let me tell you how I really felt while we were together…hope you enjoy the feeling…of being alone…its the only thing that remains the same…when we were talking…it seemed one sided…the person I thought I could confide…turned out to be a scam…

Put a stamp on it…make it official…this isn’t a wedding invitation…I was hoping for the world…we can’t make it…because you don’t exist…if you did would things end…well you never know…

The body of this letter…is missing but I don’t miss you at all…some days I want someone to spend the day with…but sorting things out in my mind…the door is over there…I am trying to get over it…I’m writing to sort things out…because my computer will listen…

I wonder what I did…I wonder how many people you cut…feeding your ambition for deception…What turned you cold…what made you think empathy is the same as sympathy…and what made you think compassion…gave way to exploitation…another way to care…but you didn’t…

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