Take a hike

zero trucks Alaina Springsteen

Go ahead take your new girl on hike
I’ve got your compass, and your watch
Go ahead take your truck, you’ll find out soon I siphoned your gas
I took the liberty to jack your gas can too

Does your air conditioner work, because a rat died in the air vents
Did you ever think that all these things are coincidences
You’re so stupid that’s probably exactly what you thought
You’re so naive that you are clueless

Take a hike out of my life and get lost with your new love
When you’re looking at the stars, did your tent come with a rain fly
Oops, have no idea what happened
Are you missing some tent poles

You should be around one stake short
Because you left one in my heart before you left
Did you turn off the oven and remember the lighter fluid for the fire
I got you covered I guess you’ll be camping for longer than expected

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