Times Change

Alphabet Jayden Bartels

A used to be awesome but something changed
B is something you turned into
C is for compassion
D is for something I am glad I never shared with you
E is for ecstatic the way I feel now that we’re no longer

F is for fine – what I tell everyone how I am feeling
G is for the good – times ahead that you and me will never share
H is for happy – the way I feel when I know someone else is out there
I is for integrity – a trait that is important and you knew nothing about
J is for my name – something that I wanted to share with our children

K is for kind – as in the kind of girl you run away from
L is for lost – something that you are
M is for my heart – something that I wear on my sleeve
N is for naughty – you took it past the bedroom
O is for offense – you would take whenever I would say something

P is for puppy – something you and I said we wanted
Q is for questions – will never be answered in this life
R is for right – someone who is right is for me won’t take advantage of me
S is for snake – serpent when I reached out my hand to touch you you bit me
T is for thankful – I found out when I did that you were a fake
U is for umbrella – I will be remaining dry under mine
V is for vanity – Something you had so much of that you couldn’t hide
W is for winner – I am the winner for not letting you play me anymore
X is a marker – for a treasure on a map but it wasn’t buried in you
Y is for you – for you to go away
Z is for my sanity – when I was truly over you I finally caught some zzz’s

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