Build a bridge Ashley Cooke The river turns and swerves…that’s how life works…you can see better if you get out of the way…doesn’t really matter
Year: 2024
Times Change
Alphabet Jayden Bartels A used to be awesome but something changedB is something you turned intoC is for compassionD is for something I am glad
Don’t recognize you
You turned into a dragon Brennen Leigh You only show people the good parts/You thought you could hide the ugly/I didn’t know the exact moment
Are you an artist
Painted him perfect Alexandra Kay I have always admired people who could drawI have always looked up to people who could singI have always held
Build a life
Architect Kacey Musgraves I want to know the planI get anxious not knowingI want to build a life with someone specialI tried to dream big
Don’t wanna
Found you on the internet HAVEN At the party/I am in the cornerEverybody talking/I don’t want a sceneI wanted to be social/but tonight I am