
Pre Chorus:
Only in America would we say that there is no one needing salvation
And only in America would we evangelize to our people and would let the world fall
How then can we read what Jesus tells us in His Holy word
Then turn around and ignore the very thing He has called us to do?

The harvest is ripe but the workers are few and while Christ was on the cross He was thinking of you.
God has given us His message for us to obey
And yet so many people say I’ll tell them some other day
Is this the attitude of a servant of the call who gives up His life for another and lets Jesus do it all.

Verse 1:
Who will tell the nations about what God did for them
Who will stand up for the faith even if it may cost them all they have
God is calling us as His workers to answer the call
I cannot watch this world taking yet another fall

Verse 2:
The harvest is ready but they do not know for what
People to tell them about the life transforming message the gospel of the cross
It is not our own as many think it is, but it is God working through us that brings
honor and glory to His name.

Inspired by Jesse’s post about how ripe the harvest is in Kenya.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matt 9:37-38 (NIV)

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