This life is full of situations that I want to hurry up and wait
I wish somethings were more cut and dry but it’s not always that laid out
As I wait on a court decision, help me to trust the one who knows everything
As I wait to learn what my next steps are for me after my divorce
As I wait, teach me to be hopeful
As I wait, teach me to be patient
As I wait, teach me to be trusting
As I wait, teach me how to be more optimistic
Sometimes new things scare me
Sometimes with new decisions I choose what’s familiar
Other times I get anxious, and then I cannot sleep
There are times when I am disappointed because things didn’t work out the way I’d hope
I don’t always understand the reasons I need to wait
I don’t always see the different scenarios and how they both could be equally as good
I don’t always see what’s directly in front of me
I don’t always see how my anxiety has clouded my view