Things could’ve worked out different/things that should’ve been easy/you made impossible/you gave me no choice/when you told me I was the culprit/the things that you could never prove/we wanted to make sure everyone was safe/but you decided that made me a suspect/
It doesn’t have to be he/she said/that’s what high school drama consists of/you called a meeting/but some people didn’t get the memo/how your actions affect others/even when you try to be the boss/intimidation is never the answer/even when others are/
A single apology would’ve spoken volumes/but your silence pierced the your innocence like a two edged sword/driven into the hearts of the ones/you claimed to be an advocate for/it’ll take some time/but this heart will heal/in the meantime I’ll be one step ahead/watching my back/
Did you ever think about the possibility/the people that were most vulnerable/were the ones that needed your protection/when an issue arises/you are nowhere to be found/want to throw us under the bus/that seems to be the easiest/