Oh how I miss the days…of having time to kill…trying to get through the day…questioning my life purpose…when I am alone at night…trying to process the events of the past…right here I know it’s where I am…helping others to find there place…
I need you right here…I need you more than ever…don’t know exactly what you look like…It’s hard when you’re lonely…feeling like nothing ever will get better…hoping each day…for a glimmer of hope…but sometimes the day passes…without that little extra push…
I know I am right here…but it’s so hard to be present…when you’re feeling distant…from the things you love…the activities that bring you joy…what used to ignite the fire within…now it feels like you got to really struggle…when the life you used to live comes calling…
I would never go back…but it’s hard to move forward…if you understood would you get mad…that I am right here…you are cruising through life…1000 miles an hour…sometimes I think I never will catch you…other times I question why I let myself chase you…