My emotions are rushing…and there ain’t no stopping them…my heart feels wild and free…trying to find the quickest way…I would say to my heart…but it’s flowing the other way…the flood that I’m feeling…cannot stop this love that is rushing to every part of me…
Flood my emotions…with thoughts of confidence…with thoughts of me and you…thoughts of validation…thoughts of reaching our goals together…the obstacles we face…trampled out by the love we feel for each other…we will not only make it…we will become a waterfall of love…
Flood my heart…with sweetness and words of encouragement…when my thoughts are scattered…like after a storm or tornado of emotions…we are going to be each other’s shelter…we’re gonna to be each other’s refuge…we’re gonna be alright…
The words are like a downpour…when things start flowing…no one can stop it…because my heart is writing…when my mind is racing…using the flood of emotions to slow my mind down…the winds of life stirring up this flood within…the way I feel…