Sometimes life gets overwhelming/we just want to go to sleep/but we have so much left to do/but if you wake up tired/you won’t be as sharp as you could be/I know sweetie/it’s easier said than done/but sometimes a good night sleep is nowhere in reach/
I get it/low energy the next day/but we have obligations to fulfill/at some point a rest is great/to help recharge/I am praying that it will sustain you/to get through the days/but if we let ourselves get too tired/our bodies will not be as sharp/and it is no fault of ours/
A good night message/from two lovers/sometimes helps calm the nerves/we want to be together/but we are feeling so far a part/we don’t mean to wear our bodies down/but sometimes we have to/when we are under a lot of stress baby/I wrote this poem to encourage you/
To tell a story/of my love/doing whatever is necessary/in order to succeed/we sometimes have different ways of getting there/but we want what’s best for ourselves and each other/I can’t wait until we are together/and we will be able to set our own bedtimes/