You pushed me

I thought we wanted the same thing/to be together until the end of time/but you kept asking me for money I didn’t have/but I made the choice to help anyways/because I thought you were hurting/I thought you were real/because you knew how to hit me in my feels/

You pushed me to the edge/then you asked again/I realized that you and I/wanted different things/you wanted to milk me for my money/until I discovered you were fake/you wanted my money that you would do anything to get it/to hurt me is something you said you never would do/

When I told you I couldn’t give you anymore/you made me feel guilty/you made yourself look so needy/but in the end you were just greedy/while playing with my heart/was it just to get the bills paid/I ask the tough questions/but you dodged the answers like the plague/

You pushed me away/by saying that you’d stay/you pushed me to the edge/when you told me you wanted kids/trying to meet up/but always having excuses/when I would suggest we meet up/you never would show up/you knew how this would end/but you wanted my money more than love/

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