So many times there are things in this life that trip us up
Can’t see it coming, but somehow I know it will become an obstacle
Trying to gain our footing on something that is firm
Only to find out there were things that were keeping me from you
I keep on falling for things that aren’t of you
wanting to be held by the arms of this world
will only leave us more desperate looking for something more
Teach me what it means to fall for you into your perfect love
Can’t describe the joy inside when I am on something solid
No fear in slipping up, because I have been firmly grounded
I tried to find something but it was filled with imperfections
I wanted something that will hold me, and never let me go.
Inspired by Steven Potaczek falling during the concert at CCF on 2/23/08 at VU, at the end of the 30 hour famine.