
I am trying to fly/high above on eagles wings/I feel weighted down at times/by bricks that I have created/
things in my life/I find so hard to surrender. I have been holding on to things way too long/
it is time to give you my burdens/it is time to give you my hidden sin/I am seeing that my sin/
is keeping me from flying/because I refuse to give you the reigns. So I am laying down all my bricks/
at the foot of the cross/I cast them off and confess them to you/I want to get wings/so I can soar above the world/
look beyond what the human eye can see. When will I learn to fly/will it can it be before I die/
because these bricks I weigh myself down with/are slowly killing me on the side/I don’t know how to live any more/
because I have confessed it all before/but I know deep within my heart/you have taken my sin away from me
You have reminded me/you have taken my bricks and freed me/when I confessed them/you threw them into the abyss.
I am taken aback because I do not understand/how you could take my sin/give me a new heart/and create within me/
wings to fly and not grow weary. I cannot describe the freedom/that you have given me/this is so different/
I don’t know how to respond/a love that frees me/is a thought so foreign to me/
So I am asking/to trade these bricks I have held onto/for wings of love, grace, forgiveness and power.
I will not go back to the bricks/that you have forgotten/continue to show me the things that weigh me down.
I can fly high because you have come to free me. I can see because you have opened up my eyes/
you have cleared my cloudy vision.

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