How much

If I knew how much/it cost you to love me/would I live my life any different/knowing how much my life is worth/
when I am in awe of your faithfulness to me/as I see how much I mean to you/so you can be my everything/
if I gave you all of me/out of my love for you/

How much could I give/how much would I give/to feel the hand of my savior/how much would I have to let go/
to grab a hold of your mercy/how much can I say about your faithfulness/without making up new words to describe you/
how much you mean to me/will never be able to be explained

You loved me enough to want to be with me/you have given me a gift I gladly receive/
so I could be who you want me to be/I am your child/and you are my Father/and I want to get to know you/
I need you to sustain me/even in my darkest hour/and carry me through my toughest trials

How much do I have left to give you/I ask you to search my heart/and see if there is any offensive way within my soul/
as I seek to give you full control/I cannot give you enough/to repay you for your gift/
but I want to try as hard as I can/I offer you my life/my heart and thoughts/

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