I have heard of a God who loves me like no other person canI have heard stories about a God that gave everything for me
Close to me
I don’t like to be distant because I value the closenessIt doesn’t seem like every day, I am going to make it out aliveAnother day
Like a blue sky
Look up and tell me what you see aboveA cloudy sky or can you see the sunLike a blue sky with no clouds makes for
Take a picture
Needtobreathe I wanna remember Featuring Carrie Underwood When you see God’s beautiful creation will you stop to take a pictureWhen you look in the mirror,
Pick me up
Written at a time when my heart felt tired. My soul it’s been searching for a stream that could quench my thirstMy body is tired
A camping trip
Written at a time I wanted to go camping but also have the freedom to stay in if I decided. I want to take a
I don’t understand
Written at a time in my life when I didn’t understand the questions that this life had left me with. I don’t understand, why some
The window
Written at a time when I was looking for light. Come here my dear, I wanna show you somethingLook outside and stand right next to